Guidance has been published that will ensure shipowners can meet IMO’s cyber risk management requirements.
Flag state Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) has issued guidance notes for owners of its flagged vessels to appropriately address cyber security elements of safety management systems.
Owners must be in compliance with IMO resolution MSC.428 (98) that covers having maritime cyber risk management in safety management systems after 1 January 2021.
RMI provides guidance for identifying information sources to assist shipowners in establishing policies, procedures and actions to maintain the security of cyber systems on board their ships.
These sources can include IMO circular MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3, which contains recommendations and functional elements for effective maritime cyber risk management.
RMI also recommended shipowners consult Guidelines on Cyber Security Onboard Ships, published in 2017 by a consortium of shipping industry associations. These are aligned to IMO guidelines and address managing ship-to-shore interfaces…(Read More) Source:,guidance-will-ensure-ships-are-compliant-with-imo-cyber-risk_51435.htm