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A Guide to Port and Terminal Management by Captain Bill Chalmers, FICS, is the sister volume to A Guide to Ships, Their Cargoes and Working Environment. 

The focus of the book is on the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers syllabus and examinations for Port and Terminal Management and will provide an additional source of reading for those candidates who are undertaking not only these examinations but in other recognised courses as well, such as that offered by Lloyd’s Maritime Academy.

The port industry, like the shipping industry in general, is an engaging occupation, but often those who are employed within it do not have the opportunity to vary the type of port in which they work and it is hoped that A Guide to Port and Terminal Management will allow them to have an insight into other types of port and the equipment and processes which are used in them, and also to provide a view of some of the other aspects of port management in which they are not involved.

Contact customerservices@poseidonnavigation.com if you’d like to order.