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Flag State Regulations from Witherbys

Flag State Regulations from Witherbys

Flag State Regulations are available on annual subscription, saving hours of searching, indexing, checking and correcting regulations issued by the IMO and flag State authorities. The powerful search engine utility, together with cross-referencing of documents and...
New Editions

New Editions

Chart & Publications Title Edition Due New ADMIRALTY Charts Published 28th May 2020 3112 Ghana, Harbours in Ghana. 28/05/2020 Reproductions of Indian Government Charts IN2080 India – West Coast, Gulf of Kachchh Eastern Portion. 31/12/2019 New Editions of...
Challenger Software

Challenger Software

The Challenger software has been developed by Poseidon Navigation Services Ltd to provide the Mariner with a simple yet effective solution for receiving weekly Notices to Mariners and updated data for Charts, Publications official ENC’s and e-Publications....

Innovative Technology

GAC has partnered with Singapore-based start-up F-drones to develop large-scale drones that can deliver up to 100 kilograms of supplies over 100 kilometres to vessels and offshore platforms. Testing is currently underway on F-drones’ 3rd prototype that is...