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New Editions

New Editions

Chart & Publications Title Edition Due New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts Published 7th May 2020 1573 Central America – East Coast, Gulf of Honduras. 07/05/2020 1626 England – East Coast, Blyth. 07/05/2020 1627 International Chart Series, Harbours on the...

COVID-19 Update From UKHO Week 19

COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) TEMPORARY EFFECTS ON QUARANTINE REQUIREMENTS, PILOTAGE, VTS, REPORTING, RADIO COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSMISSIONS An increasing number of ports are introducing specific quarantine reporting requirements with regards to this virus. Its continued...
New Editions

New Editions

Chart & Publications Title Edition Due Reproductions of Indian Government Charts IN219 India – West Coast, Tellicherry to Tānūr Nagaram. 31/07/2019 IN258 International Chart Series, India – West Coast, Kundāpura to Badagara. 15/09/2019 IN259...

ADMIRALTY Nautical Almanac 2021

Now available to order. The Nautical Almanac contains astronomical information to support bridge crews in routine and emergency celestial navigation, as well as the calculation of daylight hours and mandatory gyro checks. It is carried on every ship within the Royal...