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New Editions 46/19

New Editions 46/19

Chart & Publications Title Edition Due Reproduction of Australian Government Chart Published 18th October 2019 PNG515 Papua New Guinea, North East Coast, Woodlark Island to Trobriand Islands including Egum Atoll. 18/10/2019 Reproduction of German Governament...

Seamanship Notes Second Edition!

This informative book is designed to support students working towards their Maritime and Coastguard Agency Certificate of Competency exams. It also serves as the ideal companion for any seafarer wishing to refresh or update their knowledge. 

Oil Tanker Spill Statistics 2018

For close to five decades, the frequency of oil spills from tankers has shown a progressive downward trend. The average number of spills of 7 tonnes or more is now about six per year, from a high of 79 in the 1970s. The yearly average for large spills, i.e. greater...
New Editions 46/19

New Edition 45/19

Chart & Publications Title Edition Due New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts Published 7th November 2019 693 International Chart Series, Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam. 07/11/2019 2059 International Chart Series, Baltic Sea, Gotland to Irbe Strait. 07/11/2019 2529 Scotland...