New standards are driving updates to critical navigation equipment, emergency communications and cyber security regulations, writes Martyn Wingrove in a round-up of sector developments.
Modifications are being made to critical navigation equipment that is mandatory for tankers. New standards are demanding upgrades and updates to electronic navigational charts (ENCs) and the devices that display them – electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS) – over the next three years that will require further investment from owners and managers.
Standards set by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) govern IMO’s rules on the carriage and performance of ECDIS and the way that ENCs are displayed. IHO occasionally updates these standards, which forces ECDIS manufacturers, ENC producers and then shipowners and managers to invest in updates.
This occurred in 2017 when IHO’s new ECDIS presentation library and ENC specification standards were enforced by IMO. This led to an industry-wide updating of ECDIS software, the introduction of new hardware, some hardware replacements and in some cases complete ECDIS renewal.
Shipmanager Chellaram Shipping (Hong Kong), also known as Chellship, was an early adopter of ECDIS. Chellship general manager for technical operations Vikas Kumar told Tanker Shipping & Trade that some of the ships under its management have had ECDIS on board for more than 15 years. This led to challenges when it had to comply with the renewed IMO requirements, he said.
“When updating these [systems] to the latest IHO standards, we had to replace some of the oldest ECDIS with modern units,” said Mr Kumar. Some of the more modern units needed…(Read More) Source;,be-prepared-for-regulatory-changes-on-the-bridge_53623.htm