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The International Association of Classification Societies has announced the release of the January 2021 edition of the IACS Blue Book and the accompanying IACS Green Book. Together, these publications summarise the technical output of IACS and, as such, continue to demonstrate IACS’ technical support to the shipping industry through their work and investment in technology, innovation, research and development both at the classification and statutory levels.

The IACS Green Book is designed for daily use and contains all current IACS Resolutions and Recommendations as well as their History and Technical Background. The Green Book is updated whenever a new or revised IACS Resolution or Recommendation is uploaded on the IACS website making it the ideal reference document for anyone wishing to refer to current IACS Resolutions. Because the Green Book only contains current material the file-size is more manageable and so better suited to be downloaded and used in the field… read more Source – Maritime Cyprus.