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Chart & Publications Title Edition Due
Reproductions of Australian Government Charts
PNG519 Papua New Guinea, North East Coast, Ward Hunt Strait to Star Reefs Passage. 24/01/2020
Reproductions of German Government Charts Published 20th February 2020
DE91 International Chart Series, North Sea, Netherlands and Germany, River Ems – Dukegat to Emssperrwerk (Ems Flood Barrier). 20/02/2020
New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts Published 20th February 2020
2 International Chart Series, United Kingdom and Ireland. 20/02/2020
659 International Chart Series, Angola, Port of Soyo and Approaches. 20/02/2020
1005 Turkey – Marmara Denizi, Marmara Adasi to Istanbul Bogazi (The Bosporus). 20/02/2020
1055 Aegean Sea – Greece and Turkey, Rhodes Channel and Gokova Korfezi. 20/02/2020
1058 Aegean Sea – Greece and Turkey,Nisos Chios and Izmir Korfezi. 20/02/2020
1061 Aegean Sea – Greece and Turkey, Candarli Korfezi to Edremit to Korfezi with Nisos Lesvos. Turkey, Dikili. 20/02/2020
1513 Greece – Saronikos Kolpos, Kolpos Elefsinas. 20/02/2020
1596 Greece – Saronikos Kolpos, Peiraias. 20/02/2020
3783 Qatar, Mesaieed (Musay’id or Umm Said) 20/02/2020
3787 International Chart Series, Qatar, Approaches to Mesaieed (Musay’id or Umm Said), Hamad Port and Doha (Ad Dawhah). 20/02/2020
3789 Qatar, Hamad Port. 20/02/2020
3895 International Chart Series, Indian Ocean, Archipel des Comores (Comoros). 20/02/2020
3950 International Chart Series, Qatar and United Arab Emirates, Mesaieed (Musay ‘id or Umm Said) to Ra’s Laffan. 20/02/2020
Reproductions of Australian Government Charts 
AUS167 Australia, Tasmania, Port Dalrymple. Bell Bay. 24/01/2020
AUS777 Australia – South Coast, South Australia, Winceby Island to Point Riley. 24/01/2020
ADMIRALTY Publications Published 20th February 2020
NP234(A) & e-NP234(A) ADMIRALTY Cumulative List of Notice to Mariners January 2020. 27/02/2020
New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts Published 5th March 2020
1036 Vietnam – South Coast, Ho Chi Minh City and Approaches. 05/03/2020
1039 Vietnam – South Coast, Outer Approaches to Ho Chi Minh City. 05/03/2020
1059 Vietnam – South Coast, Vung Tau to Song Thi Vai. 05/03/2020
1100 Vietnam – South Coast, Inner Approaches to Song Sai Gon. 05/03/2020
1239 United Kingdom, Orkney and Shetland Islands. 05/03/2020
2284 Black Sea – Romania, Constanta and Approaches. 05/03/2020
2450 International Chart Series, English Channel, Anvil Point to Beachy Head. 05/03/2020
2655 English Channel Western Entrance. 05/03/2020
2656 English Channel Central Part. 05/03/2020
3782 Qatar, Doha (Ad Dawhah) and Approaches. 05/03/2020
Reproductions of Indian Government Charts
IN215 India – West Coast, Betul to Belekeri. 05/03/2020
IN223 India – South Coast, Kolachel to Manappad. 05/03/2020
Reproductions of Australian Government Charts
AUS115 Australia – West Coast, Western Australia, Approaches to Bunbury. Port of Bunbury. 05/03/2020
Reproductions of New Zealand Government Charts
NZ6321 New Zealand, South Island – East Coast, Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo. Port of Lyttelton. 05/03/2020