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Chart & Publications Title Edition Due
New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts Published 3rd September August 2020
175 Scotland – East Coast, Fife Ness to Saint Abb’s Head.   3/9/2020
190 Scotland – East Coast, Montrose to Fife Ness, including the Isle of May.   3/9/2020
1407 International Chart Series, Scotland and England – East Coast, Montrose to Berwixk-upon-Tweed.   3/9/2020
1605 China – Chang Jiang, Changshu Port to Huangshan Gang.   3/9/2020
1620 China – Chang Jiang, Jiangyin Gang to Luocheng Zhou.   3/9/2020
4606 International Chart Series, South Pacific Ocean, Tonga to Archipel des Tuamotu.   3/9/2020
4610 South Pacific Ocean, Pacific – Antarctic Rise to Southeast Pacific Basin.   3/9/2020
4611 South Pacific Ocean, Southwest Pacific Basin to Pacific – Antarctic Rise.   3/9/2020
4612 South Pacific Ocean, Chatham Islands to Pacific – Antarctic Rise.   3/9/2020
4613 South Pacific Ocean, Chatham Islands to Ile Rapa.   3/9/2020
4614 South Pacific Ocean, Ile Rapa to Pacific-Antarctic Rise.   3/9/2020
4639 International Chart Series, South Pacific Ocean, New Zealand, Kermadec Islands to East Cape.   3/9/2020
ADMIRALTY Publications to be Published 3rd September 2020
NP28 & e-NP28 ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions Dover Strait Pilot Thirteenth Edition 2020.   3/9/2020
NP77 ADMIRALTY List of Lights and Fog Signals Volume D First Edition 2020 Eastern Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean, Arabian and Red Seas.   3/9/2020
NP286(1) ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Pilot Services, Vessel Traffic Services and Port Operations, United Kingdom and Europe. (Excluding Arctic, Baltic and Mediterranean Coasts) Volume 6, 2020 Edition.   3/9/2020
New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts to be Published 17th September 2020
31 International Chart Series, England – South Coast, Harbours on the South Coast of Cornwall.   17/9/2020
833 International Chart Series, Burma – Gulf of Martaban (Mottama), Yangon River (Rangoon River) and Approaches. Port of Yangon (Rangoon).   17/9/2020
909 Indonesia, Sumaterma and Jawa, Selat Sunda.   17/9/2020
3933 Indonesia, Sumatera – East Coast, Selat Bengkalis and Selat Rupat.   17/9/2020
4617 International Chart Series, Pacific Ocean, Tuvalu to Palmyra Island.   17/9/2020
4619 Pacific Ocean, Iles Marquises to Clipperton Fracture Zone.   17/9/2020
4638 International Chart Series, South Pacific Ocean, Fiji to Kermadec Islands including Tongatapu.   17/9/2020
4805 North Pacific Ocean, Hawaiian Islands to the Aleutian Trench.   17/9/2020
4807 North Pacific Ocean, San Francisco to Hawaii.   17/9/2020
4808 North Pacific Ocean, Hawaii to the Clipperton Fracture Zone.   17/9/2020
4809 North Pacific Ocean, Hawaiian Islands.   17/9/2020
4810 International Chart Series, North Pacific Ocean, West Coast of North America, Dixon Entrance to Unimak Pass.   17/9/2020
Q6099 Maritime Security Chart, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea.   17/9/2020
Q6111 Maritime Security Chart, Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea.   17/9/2020
Reproductions of Australian Government Charts – New Charts
PNG386 South Pacific Ocean, Papua New Guinea – New Britain, Cape Cretin to Vitu Islands.   17/9/2020
Reproductions of Australian Government Charts – New Editions
AUS332 Australia – West Coast, Western Australia, Pepper Point to Geraldton.   17/9/2020
AUS755 Australia – West Coast, Western Australia, Cape Peron to Cape Naturaliste.   17/9/2020
AUS802 Australia – South Coast, Victoria, Cape Liptrap to Kent Group.   17/9/2020
Reproductions of Indian Government Charts
IN22 International Chart Series, India – West Coast, Mumbai to Cape Comorin.   17/9/2020
Intention to Withdraw Charts
8115 Port Approach Guide, Burgas.   1/10/2020
8204 Port Approach Guide, Varna.   1/10/2020
8205 Port Approach Guide, Approaches to Varna.   1/10/2020
ADMIRALTY Charts Independently Withdrawn 
5528 Mariners’ Routeing Guide, Approaches to Vancouver.   3/9/2020
5529 Mariners’ Routeing Guide, Approaches to Seattle and Tacoma.   3/9/2020
8149 Port Approach Guide, Tacoma.   3/9/2020
8150 Port Approach Guide, Seattle.   3/9/2020
8306 Port Approach Guide, Vancouver Harbour.   3/9/2020
8307 Port Approach Guide, Deltaport and Fraser River.   3/9/2020
Due to unforeseen circumstances, chart PNG379 will not be published as scheduled on 3rd September 2020, which was announced in week 34/20, as to be published chart, but will now be published on 10 September 2020 in week 37/20.