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New Editions 03/2020

New Editions 03/2020

Chart & Publications Title Edition Due New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts Published 16th January 2020 54 China – Hainan Dao, Yangpu and Approaches. 16/01/2020 518 International Chart Series, Mediterranean Sea, Spain – East Coast, Approaches to Valencia....

Farewell 2019, Hello 2020!

Farewell to 2019, this year has been very kind to us here at the company. Thanks go out to our hard working team members who make the reputation of the company what it is! Our loyal customers are also the ones to thank for their continued support! We will continue to...
New Titles from IMO

New Titles from IMO

GMDSS Manual 2019 Edition The GMDSS Manual provides, in a single comprehensive publication, an explanation of the principles upon which the GMDSS is based, the radio communication requirements and recommendations for its implementation, the operational performance...
New Editions 03/2020

New Editions 02/2020

Chart & Publications Title Edition Due New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts Published 9th January 2020 128 International Chart Series, Netherlands and Belgium, Westerschelde, Baalhoek to Wintam. 09/01/2020 1719 China – Taiwan Strait,Shenhu Wan to Dongding Dao....